Investor FAQs

What are the head office contact details for Larus Energy Limited?

Principal and Registered Office:
Level 28, 140 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000 

Phone: +61 8 9288 1784
Fax: +61 2 8215 1600

Which stock exchange is Larus Energy Limited listed on?

Larus Energy Limited is not yet listed on any Stock Exchange. For enquires regarding Shares, please contact Larus Energy Company Secretary

Who are the auditors for Larus Energy Limited ?

Rothsay Chartered Accountants
Level 1 / 12 O'Connell Street
Sydney NSW 2000

What is Larus Energy Limited's principal share registry?

'Boardroom Limited' manage the Larus share register, contact details below:

Please also contact the Company Secretary through the Contact Us page with any questions and for lodgement of any Transfers of shares.

How can I obtain a copy of Larus Energy Limited's Annual Report?

Larus Energy Limited's Annual Reports can be accessed on the Financial Reports page.

Can I subscribe to receive alerts about Larus Energy Limited's progress?

Yes, you can register to receive alerts by email from Larus Energy. As and when any Latest News is posted, we will publish them on the website and send them to your preferred email address. To subscribe for email alerts click here.

How can I unsubscribe from Email Alerts?

You can unsubscribe by clicking on the "unsubscribe" button on any of the Larus Energy Email Alerts sent to you. You can also  unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the email alerts page.