Management Approach

Larus recognises that it is the company’s ability to recognise and learn to understand the environments in which we operate and minimise our environmental footprint is an important part of our licence to operate.

The company’s environmental management is underpinned by our Environment Policy and this aims to operate to the ISO14001 international standard management criteria thereby ensuring that a consistent approach to environmental management is applied across our operations.

Larus operates in a in a range of marine and terrestrial environments where environmental impact management is of utmost importance and actual and potential impacts on the environment are considered at every stage of operation.

Our natural resource management strategy takes a precautionary approach and is built on risk mitigation, community collaboration and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

All necessary steps are taken to ensure we manage the risk of impact on environments in which we operate. This begins with considering environmental issues prior to and during every programme of activity, from exploration to decommissioning.

Understanding future operating environments is also fundamental to supporting our growth strategy. This involves taking account of other external factors, such as changes to industry regulations, stakeholder expectations and global trends in industry practice and performance.